Ansaya villas

18,018,000 - 19,803,000 ฿
500,500 - 561,947 $
60,060 - 60,009 ฿/м2
1,668 - 1,703 $/м2
ID: 010227V
Пхукет - Банг Тао
300 - 330м2
370 - 410 Земля/м2
3 - 4
3 - 4 Ванные комнаты
На стадии планирования
2 Этажей
Бассейн Охрана 24/7 Крытая парковка
ANSAYA PHUKET is to be an extension Thai cultural heritage architecture design and intelligence into at the moment of modern and comfortable living. Providing a delightful cultural living quality and identity in both spiritually and physically through time.
ID: 010446H
Ansaya villas
Пхукет - Банг Тао

18,018,000 ฿
500,500 $
300м2370м23 спальни3
3 bedrooms villa

ANSAYA PHUKET is to be an extension Thai cultural heritage architecture design and intelligence into at the moment of modern and comfortable living. Providing a delightful cultural living quality and identity in both spiritually and physically through time.

ID: 010447H
Ansaya villas
Пхукет - Банг Тао

19,803,000 ฿
550,083 $
330м2410м24 спальни4
4 bedroom villa

ANSAYA PHUKET is to be an extension Thai cultural heritage architecture design and intelligence into at the moment of modern and comfortable living. Providing a delightful cultural living quality and identity in both spiritually and physically through time.

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